Просмотр инструкции снегоходы Ski Doo MX Z 2005, страница 1287
Subsection 01 (IGNITION TIMING)
593 and 593 HO SDI Engine Types
Normally ignition timing adjustment should not be
required. It has been set at factory and it should
remain correctly adjusted since every part is fixed
and not adjustable. The only time the ignition tim-
ing might have to be changed would be when re-
moving and reinstalling the magneto housing, re-
placing the crankshaft, the magneto flywheel, the
trigger coil or the MPEM. If the ignition timing is
found incorrect, first check for proper crankshaft
alignment. This might be the indication of a twist-
ed crankshaft. Refer to LEAK TEST AND ENGINE
ing can be checked with either the engine hot or
cold. Also, the ignition timing is to be checked at
3500 RPM with a timing light.
NOTE: Between 3000 and 4000 RPM, the spark
advance does not change. So when checking igni-
tion timing at 3500 RPM, a change in engine speed
within ± 500 RPM will not affect the timing mark
when checked with the timing light.
Scribing a Timing Mark
– Clean the area around the MAG spark plug, and
remove it.
– Install the TDC gauge (P/N 414 104 700) in the
spark plug hole, (magneto side) and adjust as
• Position the MAG piston at approximately
1. TDC gauge on MAG side
2. MAGsidepistonatTDC
• Assemble the gauge to the adaptor and tight-
en the roller lock nut. Do not tighten the
adaptor lock nut.
• Screw the adaptor into the spark plug hole
and tighten to prevent movement in the plug
• Position the dial face toward the PTO. Move
the gauge down until the needle just begins
6 mm (approximately 1/4 in). Tighten adap-
tor lock nut by hand.
– Locate the piston TDC position as follows:
• Slowly rotate the drive pulley back and forth
across TDC while observing the needle.
Note that the needle stops moving only as
the piston is changing direction.
• Rotate the dial face so that “0” is in line with
the needle when it stops moving.
• Again, slowly rotate the drive pulley back and
forth across TDC and adjust the dial face to
“0”, until the needle always stops exactly at
“0” before changing direction.
426 mmr2005-042
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06 января 2022, Курганская
здраствуйте мануал на mxz 440 2005 год
Анатолий Миронов
04 декабря 2020, Зеленоград
здравствуй те! если есть мануал на русском для снегохода ски-дуMZX583 1997г.в. то было бы здорово если вы мне на почту прислали. Спасибо!