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Просмотр инструкции сотового gsm, смартфона Bosch 718, страница 39

Hands-free car installation
Whe n your phone is pla ced in the cradle, it will
switch on automa tically with the car ignition. You
can select whethe r you want the te lephone to
switch off automa tically with the car ignition after
a delay of 1 hour or whethe r you want to switch it
off manually.
If you have se lected
Switch off automatically
and want to switch your te lephone off while the
ig nition is still on, you must do so ma nually.
The display a nd keypad backlighting on your
phone will switch on a nd off automatica lly with
the car ignition. While the phone is switche d on
and placed in the cra dle the ba cklighting will
remain on continuously.
The ba ttery will be a utomatically re char ged as
necessa ry.
A telephone with an exte nded battery cannot be
used in the hands-fre e car installa tion kit.
How to make a hands-f ree call
1. Enter the phone number you wish to
call or re trieve it from the phone book.
2. Press
to le t the conversation take
pla ce via the external spe aker and
microphone .
3. Press
to end your call.
How to receive a hands-f ree call
1. Press
whe n the phone ring s.
2. Press
to end your call.
By selecting
Car kit auto answer on
you can set your te lephone to a nswer a ca ll a uto-
matically a fter 5 seconds. This option is only ef-
fective when the ca r ignition is on.
If you have se lected
Any key answer on
in the
Phone se tup
menu you can, of course ,
answer the ca ll by pre ssing any ke y.
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