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Просмотр инструкции сотового gsm, смартфона LG C2500, страница 120

• Service center [Menu 5-1-6]
– If more than one message service center is supported by
your SIM card, select the one you want to use. The
number of service center depends on your SIM card.
– Within the Service center submenu of the Text message
Setting you can change the settings of a particular
message Service center include:
- SC name: Within this field you can input the message
centre name.
- SC address: Within this field you can input the
message centre number.
- Valid period: This is the duration that your message is
stored at the message centre. Delivery attempts will be
repeated until the message has been delivered or
expired. The option of length of time has:
- 1 hour.
- 12 hours.
- 1 day.
- 1 week.
- Maximum
- Message type: You can select four kinds of message
type with text message.
The option of type has:
- Text, Fax, Pageand Email.
• Common setting [Menu 5-1-7]
– The following message settings under the Text message
setting menu are common to all outgoing text messages,
irrespective of the selected set.
- Delivery report: User can turn
On or Off this function if
user want to receive delivery report from service
provider or not.
- Reply path: Also, user can choose to use the same
service center as the received message to reply or not.
• Memory status [Menu 5-1-8]
– You can check what percentage of the phone’s internal
memory is unoccupied and how messages can still be
stored in SIM card’s or Phone’s memory.
– The phone will show message to remind user if SIM card
and Phone set both out of memory.
• Preferred storage [Menu 5-1-9]
– You can choose where you want to save the message
depend on memory status.
– If either one of storage locations, SIM card or Phone,
already full, the phone will automatically save information
to another.
– Select
SIM or Phone and press OK.
• Preferred bearer [Menu 5-1-0]
The Preferred bearer settings to set the settings for
selected bearer.
The Bearer list are: Prefer GPRS, Prefer GSM, GPRS Only
and GSM Only
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