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Просмотр инструкции материнской платы Gigabyte GA 8IE800, страница 74

- 70 -GA-8IE800 Motherboard
4 Channel Analog Audio Output Mode
STEP 1 :
Connect the front channels to Line Out,the
rear channels to Line In.
STEP 3 :
Select Speaker Configuration, and choose the 4
channels for 4 speakers out put.
Disable Only SURROUND-KIT, and press OK.
When the Environment settings is None, the
sound would be performed as stereo mode
(2 channels output). Please select the other settings
for 4 channels output.
STEP 2 :
After installation of the audio driver, youll find an
icon on the taskbars status area. Click the audio icon
Sound Effect from the windows tray at the bottom of
the screen.
Line Out
Line In
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