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Просмотр инструкции весов Vitek VT-1987 VT, страница 7

If you notice simultaneous decrease of total
weight and fat percentage, it means that your
diet works, i.e. you lose the fat content in your
body tissues.
The best results are achieved if you com-
bine diet with various physical exercises,
in this case you can observe the medium-
term increase of muscle mass in body tis-
See the tables for other parameters data.
Fat tissue percentage (%)
Age Women Men
healthy overeating obesity subcutaneous
healthy overeating obesity
10-39 <21 21-33 33-39 >39 <8 8-20 20-25 >25
40-59 <23 23-34 34-40 >40 < 11 11-22 22-28 >28
60-80 <24 24-36 36-42 >42 <13 13-25 25-30 >30
Water percentage (%)
Age Women Men
healthy obesity subcutaneous
healthy obesity
10-15 <57 57-67 >67 <58 58-72 >72
16-30 <47 47-57 >57 <53 53-67 >67
31-60 <42 42-52 >52 <47 47-61 >61
61-80 <37 37-47 >47 <42 42-56 >56
BMI parameter (WHO reference)
Small weight Normal weight Excessive weight Obesity
Body weight index <18,5 18,5~25 25~30 >30
Muscle mass analysis (%)
Sex Women Men
Normal index >34% >40%
Bone tissue analysis (kg)
Sex Women Men
Weight <45 kg 45-60 kg >60 kg <60 kg 60-75 kg >75 kg
Bone mass 1,8 kg 2,2 kg 2,5 kg 2,5 kg 2,9 kg 3,2 kg
Calorie analysis
Age <17 18~29 30~50 >50
Men <50 kg 1350 1200 1115 1075
50~65 kg 1485 1320 1227 118 3
65~80 kg 1890 1680 1561 1505
80~95 kg 2295 2040 1896 1828
>95 kg 2700 2400 2230 2150
Women <50 kg 1265 118 0 1085 1035
50~65 kg 1392 1298 119 4 113 9
65~80 kg 1771 1652 1519 1449
80~95 kg 2151 2006 1845 1760
>95 2530 2360 2170 2070
Note: the data in these tables are given as recommendations.
IM VT-1987.indd 7 04.07.2017 14:48:29
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