Просмотр инструкции весов Vitek VT-1987 VT, страница 7
– If you notice simultaneous decrease of total
weight and fat percentage, it means that your
diet works, i.e. you lose the fat content in your
body tissues.
– The best results are achieved if you com-
bine diet with various physical exercises,
in this case you can observe the medium-
term increase of muscle mass in body tis-
– See the tables for other parameters data.
Fat tissue percentage (%)
Age Women Men
healthy overeating obesity subcutaneous
healthy overeating obesity
10-39 <21 21-33 33-39 >39 <8 8-20 20-25 >25
40-59 <23 23-34 34-40 >40 < 11 11-22 22-28 >28
60-80 <24 24-36 36-42 >42 <13 13-25 25-30 >30
Water percentage (%)
Age Women Men
healthy obesity subcutaneous
healthy obesity
10-15 <57 57-67 >67 <58 58-72 >72
16-30 <47 47-57 >57 <53 53-67 >67
31-60 <42 42-52 >52 <47 47-61 >61
61-80 <37 37-47 >47 <42 42-56 >56
BMI parameter (WHO reference)
Small weight Normal weight Excessive weight Obesity
Body weight index <18,5 18,5~25 25~30 >30
Muscle mass analysis (%)
Sex Women Men
Normal index >34% >40%
Bone tissue analysis (kg)
Sex Women Men
Weight <45 kg 45-60 kg >60 kg <60 kg 60-75 kg >75 kg
Bone mass 1,8 kg 2,2 kg 2,5 kg 2,5 kg 2,9 kg 3,2 kg
Calorie analysis
Age <17 18~29 30~50 >50
Men <50 kg 1350 1200 1115 1075
50~65 kg 1485 1320 1227 118 3
65~80 kg 1890 1680 1561 1505
80~95 kg 2295 2040 1896 1828
>95 kg 2700 2400 2230 2150
Women <50 kg 1265 118 0 1085 1035
50~65 kg 1392 1298 119 4 113 9
65~80 kg 1771 1652 1519 1449
80~95 kg 2151 2006 1845 1760
>95 2530 2360 2170 2070
Note: the data in these tables are given as recommendations.
IM VT-1987.indd 7 04.07.2017 14:48:29
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