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Просмотр инструкции весов Vitek VT-1978 W, страница 4

Fat percentage in the organism of a healthy man:
18-39 years 40-59 years 60-79 years
Men Women Men Women Men Women
Weight deficit
5-7% 14-20% 5-10% 14-22% 5-12% 14-23%
8-19% 21-32% 11-21% 23-33% 13-24% 24-35%
Excess weight
+20% +33% +22% +34% +25% +36%
Source: ISSA (International Sports Science
Water percentage
Water percentage is the amount of water in the
body of a man in percentage to total weight.
Water is of primary importance for tissues and
organs of a man, about 50-65 % of our organism
consist of water. You can figure out percentage
of water using a formula, used by dietarians, the
result is in percentage from total weight.
Thanks to “BIA” technique used in the scales,
you can control percentage of water in your body
and adjust this important indicator.
Water norm in the organism for women– 45-
60%, for men – 50-65%
What is muscle mass?
Muscle mass includes weight of muscles of sup-
porting-motor system, smooth muscles (heart
and digestive system) and water, contained in
these muscles.
Muscle mass should be especially controlled by
people, suffering from excess weight and obes-
ity. Weight reduction can lead to reduction of fat
tissues, but only if muscle mass will be accumu-
What is bone mass?
Human skeleton is based on bone tissues. They
are hard and environmental stable, protecting in-
ternal, and together with muscle tissue provide
human ability to move.
In the basis of bone mass measurements is
weighing of mineral substances in the organism
(calcium and others).
According to the investigations, development of
muscle tissues strengthens skeleton bones. This
fact should be taken into account when compos-
ing diet and while physical activity for bones to
remain strong.
Standard indications of bone mass for differ-
ent weight relative age from 20 to 40 years
Women Men
Body weight,
indicator of
bone mass,
Body weight,
indicator of
bone mass,
Less than50
1,95 kg
Less than
65 kg
2,66 kg
50 – 75 kg 2,40 kg 65 – 95 kg 3,29 kg
75 kg and
2,95 kg
More than
95 kg
3,69 kg
Definition of Basal Metabolism Indicator
In organism of a human being metabolic proc-
esses (breath, blood circulation, digestion, nerv-
ous function etc.) always happen, certain energy
is consumed, which is expressed in kilocalorie
(Kcal). This information allows determining the
amount of kilocalorie, which is necessary for
metabolic processes. It is minimal energy level,
which is necessary for your organism in order to
provide normal work of breathing, blood, nerv-
ous systems, liver, kidneys and other organs at
Metabolism level increases when you are ac-
tive. This happens because the supporting-mo-
tor system (40% of total organism weight), like a
motor, consumes much energy. The greater part
of energy is spent in the process of muscles op-
eration; that is why increase of muscle mass al-
lows increasing of Basal Metabolism Indicator.
The higher Basal Metabolism Indicator is, the
more calories are spent in the process on muscle
mass increasing, and it helps to improve fat level
in the organism.
The lower Basal Metabolism Indicator is, the
slower fat burning is, and the higher the possi-
bility of obesity with all the consequences that
come with it is.
You can store in memory data for 10 users (P0
…P9), for each user personal parameters are
stored (gender, age, height), as well as two main
parameters (weight and fat percentage), which
can be viewed for comparison with measuring
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