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Просмотр инструкции сотового gsm, смартфона LG Q6a M700, страница 675

Appendix 128
The touch screen responds slowly or incorrectly
If you attach a screen protector or optional accessories to the touch
screen, the touch screen may not function properly.
If you are wearing gloves, if your hands are not clean while touching the
touch screen or if you tap the screen with sharp objects or your fingertips,
the touch screen may malfunction.
The touch screen may malfunction in humid conditions or when exposed
to water.
Restart your device to clear any temporary software bugs.
If the touch screen is scratched or damaged, visit a LG Electronics Service
Hangs or freezes
Restart the device
If your device freezes or hangs, you may need to close apps or turn the
device off and then on again.
Perform a boot-up
A soft reset may be used to reset the device if the screen freezes, or
the buttons, touch screen or device are no longer responding.
To perform a soft reset of your device, simply press and hold the
Volume Down and Power keys until the device restarts.
Reset the device
If the methods above do not solve your problem, perform a factory
data reset.
On the settings screen, tap General > Backup & reset > Factory data
This method resets all settings for the device and deletes data.
Before performing the factory data reset, remember to make back-
up copies of all important data stored in the device.
* If you registered a Google account to the device, you must sign in to
the same Google account after resetting the device.
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13 декабря 2020, Санкт-Петербург
Не приходят и не уходят смс сообщения. Сим карта не причем, так как на другом тлф работает исправно
13 декабря 2020, Санкт-Петербург
Не приходят и не уходят смс сообщения
05 апреля 2020, Краснодар
почему нет звука на вацапе