Просмотр инструкции автосигнализации Mongoose EMS 1.9R, страница 21
Two Way Car Alarm System MONGOOSE EMS 1.9R
The following PIN code procedure should be used to exit the Anti Hi-Jack: -
Grace and Warning Periods with the ignition on: -
a) Press the override switch the number of times equal to units’ digit of the PIN code.
b) Wait 3 seconds to ensure the override switch is not pressed again.
c) If the code is correct exit Anti Hi jacking mode and if it is not, continue with the Grace
(or Warning) period. Entering an incorrect code will not effect the 30-second Grace (or
Warning) period.
d) If an incorrect PIN code is entered twice in succession, then the PIN code procedure
will be blocked for 2 minutes. If you press the wrong transmitter button twice the transmitter
operation will also be blocked for 2 minutes.
During Anti Hi Jacking procedure (after Warning period): -
a) Turn the ignition off to stop the siren unit and enable the immobiliser
b) Turn the ignition back on
c) Press the override switch the number of times equal to tens digit of the PIN code.
d) Cycle the ignition off/on.
e) Press the override switch the number of times equal to units’ digit of the PIN code.
f) Switch the ignition off.
e) If the PIN code is correct exit Anti Hi jacking mode.
f) If an incorrect PIN code is entered twice in succession, then the PIN code procedure
should be blocked for 2 minutes.
General Notes on all Hi-Jacking Mode
1. If you switch the ignition off when the Anti Hi-jack has already been activated there will
be a siren beep to indicate the alarm system cannot be armed from transmitter.
2. Once the PIN code has been entered, the system will go to the disarm condition.
3. During the entire Anti Hi-Jacking procedure, the immobiliser will enable according to
the Blocking in Trouble Simulation function. However if the Permanent Block were
selected, the system would only go to permanent block when the ignition is switched
from ON to OFF. If blocking in trouble simulation is selected, the last 2 cycles of the
procedure i.e. 1 sec block and 2 second pause will repeat until the ignition is switched off
and then the immobiliser will enter permanent block mode.
Once the Anti Hi Jacking mode has been started, all transmitter operations with exception
of Passive Immobiliser disarm command will be completely ignored until the Anti Hi-jack has
been exited.
Blocking in Trouble Simulation
(While in the Anti Hi-jack)
This feature can be selected using programming.
The system will include an Installer’s function termed Blocking in Trouble Simulation. If the
function is OFF (Default setting) then the internal immobiliser will enable as normal i.e. as soon
as the ignition is switched off, the immobiliser relay will open and immobilise the vehicle. If the
switch is turned on however, a special safety blocking procedure will be implemented. This
procedure is as follows: -
Руководство пользователя
EMS 1.9R
Индикация тревоги
Событие Пиктограмма Звуковое подтверждение Вибросигнал
Открыт капот
Мелодия 1 1раз/5 сек.
Открыт багажник
Мелодия 2 1раз/5 сек.
Открыта дверь Мелодия 3 1раз/5 сек.
Включено зажигание Мелодия 4 1раз/5 сек.
Предварительная зона датчика 2- тональный 1 раз
Основная зона датчика Мелодия 5 1раз/5 сек.
Несанкционированное снятие с охраны Мигает Мелодия 6 —
Переподключение питания в режиме охраны Мигают пиктограммы Мелодия 5 1раз/5 сек.
Неотключен пассивный иммобилайзер Индикация текущего Мелодия 5, если все закрыто
Или состояния автомобиля и зажигание выключено
Неправильное отключение иммобилайзера Или Мелодии 1,2,3 или 4
в зависимости от текущего
состояния системы
ВНИМАНИЕ! При отключении индикации предупредительной зоны датчика на пульте управления
система не находится в режиме тревоги, поэтому при отключении индикации кнопкой 2 система будет
снята с охраны. Пользуйтесь другими кнопками, если хотите сохранить режим охраны.
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