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Просмотр инструкции сотового gsm, смартфона LG G1500, страница 193

In call Menu
Additional Functions
2-3 Putting the Multiparty Call on Hold
To put a multiparty call on hold, select the < [Options] key then
Multiparty/Hold all.
2-4 Activate the Multiparty Call on Hold
To make a multiparty call on hold active, select the < [Options] key
then Multiparty/Join all.
2-5 Adding Calls to the Multiparty Call
To join an active call to the held multiparty call, select the <
[Options] key then Multiparty/Join all.
2-6 Displaying Callers in a Multiparty Call
To scroll through the numbers of the callers who make up a
multiparty call on the handset screen, press U and D keys.
2-7 Putting a Member of a Multiparty Call on Hold
To place one selected caller (whose number is currently displayed
on-screen) of a multiparty call on hold, select the < [Options] key
then Multiparty/Exclude.
2-8 A Private Call in a Multiparty Call
To have a private call with one caller of a multiparty call, display the
number of the caller you wish to talk to on the screen, then select the
< [Options] key and Multiparty/Private to put all the other callers
on hold.
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c ответами
Сергей Иванович
21 января 2022, Санкт-Петербург
Как найти инструкцию на сотовый телефон LG-G360