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Просмотр инструкции автомагнитолы Hyundai Electronics H-CDM8043, страница 16

- SEEK2: Press and hold the / button increase or decrease the frequency rapidly until the
button is released, the different between the sa me operation at Seek 1 mode is that this time the radio
will not stop at any station.
g. DSP mode
Select the following modes of the equalizer: OFF => FLAT => POP M => CLASSICS => ROCK.
h. Loud mode
This function increases t he low frequency, which can impro ve sensit ivit y fo r your ears.
Select the mode: LOUD ON, LOUD OFF.
i. St ereo mode
Use this mode to select STEREO or MONO recept ion for FM rad io stat io ns. Y ou can so met imes impro ve
receptio n o f dist ant stations by select ing MONO mode.
j. Local/ distant mode
Use this mode to change between LOCAL and DISTANT (DX) tuning mode. Local mode improves
receptio n in some areas where the signal is to o strong.
k. Volume mode
Select the mode: VOL LAST/ ADJUST.
l. ESP mode (Elect ronic Shock Pr otectio n)
Yo u can select the second o f ESP as follow:
- ESP 40 second: for normal road condition.
- ES P 120 second: for r oad co nditio n extremely unusual.
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