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Просмотр инструкции автомагнитолы Hyundai Electronics H-CDM8054, страница 21

Hyundai Electronics
Handli ng c ompac t discs
Di rt y, scratched or warped discs may cause skip ping or noise.
Hand le the disc only by the edges. T o keep clean do n ot touch it s surfa ce.
Di scs should be stored in their cases aft er use to avoid scratches.
Do not expose discs to direct sunli ght, high humidity, high temperature or dust.
Prolonged exposure to extrem e t emp erature can wrap the disc (such as leaving the discs in your car during summertime).
Do not stick or write anything on either side of disc. Sharp writing instruments, or the inks used in some felt-tip pens, may damage its
Do not touch the unlabeled side. DO NOT attach any seal, label or data protection sheet to either side of a disc.
This un it cannot play 3-in ch (8cm) CDs.
Never insert a 3-inch CD contained in the adapter or an irregularly shaped CD. The unit may not be able to eject it, resulting in a
Cleaning the cabinet
Wipe with a soft cloth. If the cabinet is very dampen (not dropping wet) the cloth with a weak solution of soapy water, and then wipe
Cl eaning discs
Fin gerprin ts sh ould be ca reful ly wiped fr om th e surfa ce of di sc with a soft clot h. Un like con ven tional r ecor ds,
compact discs have no grooves to collect dust and macroscopic dirt, so gently wiping them with a soft cloth
sh ould r emove m ust pani cl es. Wipe in a str ai ght m otion from th e cen t er t o th e ed ge. Nev er u se thinn er benzin e,
record cleaner or anti static spra y on a compact disc. Su ch ch emica ls can dama ge it s plastic surface.
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09 августа 2020, Калининград
На панеле горит значёк блютуз. Он вообще существует и как настроить?
09 августа 2020, Калининград
На панеле горит значёк блютуз. Он вообще существует и как настроить?
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Есть-ли блютуз и как настроить? На панельке моргает значёк блютуза.