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Просмотр инструкции плиты Indesit KN 3C17A (W), страница 22

Precautions and tips
! This appliance has been designed and manufactured in
comp liance with international safety stand ards.
The following warning s are p rovid ed for safety reasons
and must b e read c arefully.
General safety
• The g lass c eramic hob is resistant to temp erature
fluctuations and shocks. It is, however, wise to
rememb er that b lad es or c ooking utensils may ruin the
surfac e of the hob . If this hap p ens, remove the p lug of
the c ooker from the elec tric ity soc ket and c ontac t an
authorised Tec hnical Assistanc e Centre in order to
req uest orig inal sp are p arts. Failure to c omp ly with the
above may c ompromise the safety of the ap plianc e.
• The ap p lianc e was d esig ned for domestic use insid e
the home and is not intended for commercial or
industrial use.
• The ap plianc e must not be installed outd oors, even in
c overed areas. It is extremely d ang erous to leave the
ap p lianc e exp osed to rain and storms.
• Do not touch the appliance with bare feet or with wet or
d amp hand s and feet.
• The appliance must be used by adults only for the
preparation of food, in accordance with the
instructions outlined in this booklet. Any other use
of the appliance (e.g. for heating the room)
constitutes improper use and is dangerous. The
manufacturer may not be held liable for any
damage resulting from improper, incorrect and
unreasonable use of the appliance.
• The instruc tion b ooklet ac c ompanies a c lass 1
(insulated ) or c lass 2 - subc lass 1 (recessed between 2
cupboards) app liance.
• Keep c hild ren away from the oven.
• Make sure that the p ower sup p ly c ab les of other
elec trical ap plianc es do not c ome into c ontact with the
hot p arts of the oven.
• The op ening s used for the ventilation and disp ersion of
heat must never b e c overed .
• Always use oven g loves when p lac ing cookware in the
oven or when removing it.
• Do not use flammab le liquid s (alcohol, p etrol, etc ...)
near the appliance while it is in use.
• Do not p lace flammab le material in the lower storage
c omp artment or in the oven itself. If the ap p lianc e is
switc hed on ac c id entally, it c ould c atc h fire.
• Always make sure the knob s are in the
• p osition when
the ap plianc e is not in use.
• When unp lug g ing the app lianc e, always p ull the plug
from the mains soc ket; d o not p ull on the cab le.
• Never perform any cleaning or maintenance work
without having d isc onnec ted the ap p lianc e from the
electricity mains.
• If the ap plianc e b reaks down, und er no c ircumstanc es
should you attemp t to repair the ap p liance yourself.
Rep airs c arried out by inexp erienc ed p ersons may
c ause injury or further malfunc tioning of the ap plianc e.
Contact Assistance.
• Do not rest heavy objec ts on the open oven d oor.
• The app liance should not b e operated b y people
(including children) with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capacities, by inexperienced
individuals or by anyone who is not familiar with
the product. These individuals should, at the very
least, be supervised by someone who assumes
responsibility for their safety or receive
preliminary instructions relating to the operation of
the appliance.
• Do not let c hildren play with the ap plianc e
• When d isp osing of p ac kaging material: ob serve loc al
leg islation so that the pac kag ing may b e reused.
• The Europ ean Direc tive 2002/96/EC relating to Waste
Electric al and Elec tronic Eq uipment (WEEE) states that
household app lianc es should not b e disp osed of using
the normal solid urban waste c ycle. Exhausted
ap p lianc es should b e c ollec ted sep arately in ord er to
op timise the c ost of re-using and rec ycling the
materials insid e the machine, while p reventing potential
d amage to the atmosp here and to p ublic health. The
c rossed -out dustb in is marked on all prod ucts to
remind the owner of their oblig ations reg arding
separated waste collec tion.
Exhausted ap plianc es may be c ollected by the p ublic
waste c ollection servic e, taken to suitable c ollection
areas in the area or, if p ermitted by c urrent national
leg islation, they may b e returned to the d ealers as p art
of an exc hange deal for a new eq uivalent prod uct.
All major manufac turers of household ap plianc es
p articip ate in the creation and organisation of systems
for the c ollec tion and d isp osal of old and d isused
ap p liances.
If the cooker is placed on a pedestal, take the neces-
sary precautions to prevent the cooker from sliding
off the pedestal itself.
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