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Просмотр инструкции домашнего кинотеатра Bork SW-22, страница 10

Active Subwoofer SW-22
1 «LINE INPUT» Connects the low level input of the subwoofer to the
«PreAmp», «Monitor Output» or «subwoofer Output» of your receiver
or amplifier. In some cases, you will only have a single output jack
for the subwoofer pre-out. To complete the connection you may
utilize a «V» connector. Or simply use one of the input jacks on the
subwoofer input.
2 «POWER» Power LED
3. «PHASE» Allows the user to switch the phasing of the subwoofer.
Listen to the subwoofer in each of the modes (normal & rcverse)
and select the setting which provides the richest, fullest bass.
4. «VOLUME» Allows the user to adjust the output volume of the
5. «CROSSOVER FREQUENCY» Allows the user to select the upper
limit at which the subwoofer will play it using high (speaker) level
input, set the crossover frequency to l50Hz to provide to smooth
transition between subwooier and small satellite speakers. When
using low levcl(RCA) inputs, we suggest a frequency band between
55Hz and 150Hz, however experimentation will allow you find the
optimum setting for your installation.
6. «HI LEVEL IN» Allows the user to connect the subwoofer via
the high level (speaker) output terminals of your Receiver or
7. «POWER SW» Mams power on/off.
8. «AC INPUT» Power input plug.
9. «FUSE» AC fuse protector.
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