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Просмотр инструкции плиты Kaiser HGG 60511 MW, страница 64

The inner walls of the oven are covered with easy-
to-clean high quality enamel. The very smooth
surface prevents greasy food rests from sticking to
the oven walls, thus, making cleaning fast and
easy. The acid-proof enamel surface provides a
long-term effective performance of the oven.
Please clean the oven after every use.
Clean the oven cavity and baking trays only with
tepid water and a little bit of washing-up liquid.
After having cleaned the oven, dry it with a dry
cloth or just open the oven door.
Do not use acid or alkaline substances (lemon
juice, vinegar, salt, tomatoes etc.) to clean the
AAB coated oven surfaces and baking trays. Do
not use chlorine based products, acids or abrasive
products to clean the enamel surfaces of the oven.
Self-cleaning catalytic panels *
The Kaiser smooth-walled ovens are provided with
inner self-cleaning catalytic panels 1.
The fine-pored enamel coating of the panels is
highly ecological. At the oven temperature above
200° C, the enamel coating catalyzes grease and
oil stains on its surface and gradually vaporizes
If the oven is still not clean enough after cooking
very greasy food, operate the empty oven for 60
minutes (max.) at maximum temperature until it
gets clean again.
Never wash or clean self-cleaning panels with
abrasive, acid, or alkaline products.
- if available
IMPORTANT!!! Safety precaution: before
cleaning the oven, disconnect the plug
from the power socket or the power cable
from the oven.
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