Просмотр инструкции атс Samsung DS5021D, страница 105
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 91
Returning M essage s
Press the
button to review
the st at ion s tha t ha ve l eft messa ges
and press the Soft button associated
on the LCD screen to call
the st atio n. Or, dial
[4] [3]
and th e fi r st
station that left its number will be rung
The LED on your
button and
statu s in di cat or will re mai n fl ashing until
the st at ion r e spond s.
Repe at th e ab ove ste ps to respo nd to all
station messages received.
The LED on your
button and
status indicator will go off when all
messages are returned or cancelled.
- You can view the numbers left and return messages in any order through the LCD screen.
- If a message was left at your digital phone by a station in Auto Answer mode, you must
cancel the message manually, after returning the message.
Ваш отзыв будет первым